JetAudio Review

I don't know why I even call these reviews. After all, these aren't really full reviews. I'm just telling you about software that I like lol. But here is another program that I like. It is called JetAudio.

Basically JetAudio is a media center. You can use JetAudio to listen to music, watch videos, etc. For awhile I was using Yahoo Jukebox, but it froze often and took up a lot of system resources. I don't like iTunes for the same reason. I'm also not a fan of Windows Media Player or RealPlayer. I do like WinAmp though, but I wanted something that I could use to manage my music better, so this is why JetAudio is my main audio player.

But yeah, like I said, this isn't really a full review simply because I don't know enough about music players, but from what I do know, I highly recommend JetAudio. Plus, there's a free version!


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