I have come across yet another Registry Cleaner. I swear I should just turn this into a Registry Cleaner Review blog. lol no I won't do that.
Anyway, this program is called Registry HelpMate. There are no tests results or comments whatsoever about the program on McAfee SiteAdvisor. So I am going to have to try Registry HelpMate with a completely open mind.
First, let's take a quick look at the Registry Helpmate website for any warning signs.
Registry Helpmate's website claims Registry Helpmate is in it's 6th version and that it has over 38,000 downloads. 38,000 downloads isn't a whole lot compared to some of the claims by other Registry Cleaners. However, maybe this means they are actually being honest. That would be nice.
Registry HelpMate's website features customer testimonials. Are they real? I don't know, there's no reason to think they are real. There isn't any reason to think they aren't real either though. I'll take the company at it's word that the testimonials are real.
Registry HelpMate's website however seems to have gone to great lengths to hide their company address. This is a warning sign. I can't find it anywhere on their website. If you do a WhoIs search on the site address, you will see that they used a registration company that hides their address.
Also, on the Registry HelpMate website is a graphic that says "No Spyware, No Adware, No viruses" and says it's certified by www.softpedia.com. However, when I went to SoftPedia and searched their website for Registry HelpMate, I could not find it listed. Hmm...
Regardless, I'm still going to try Registry HelpMate. The feature list on their website is pretty impressive. In addition to a Registry Cleaner, Registry HelpMate has a Junk Files Cleaner, a Duplicate File Cleaner, an Evidence Cleaner, a system optimizer, add/remove programs, etc. It's a pretty impressive list. I'm not sure how a Junk Files Cleaner is any different from an Evidence Cleaner though. I guess we'll find out!
Off to download and install Registry HelpMate. The download was quick. The license agreement is questionable at some points but I'm ok with it. Yes I actually look through them. The installation was quickly. Now to load the program.
Registry HelpMate loads and it loads on the Registry Cleaner menu. Let's first have a look around though.
At the top is Scan, Optimization, Backups, Utilities, Help, and Register.
Register takes you to Register obviously.
Help brings up Help.
Clicking Utilities brings up buttons for a Startup Manager, an Uninstall Manager, a Browser Helper Object Manager, and an IE restore option.
Backups brings up a Registry Backup Option, and an option for Windows Restore points.
Optimization brings up a System Optimzer, Block ActiverX, Error Utilities, Register Active X, and Optimize Memory. The System Optimizer has various settings. For instance you can customizer your computer to be like a Campus Computer, or an Internet Cafe Computer, or an Office computer, etc. It's pretty cool! ActiveXer blocks Active X Controls. Error utilities appears to show past windows errors and tries to fix them. Register ActiveX can Re-register Active X and DLL objects. Optimizer Memory can Optimize your RAM and free up RAM. Pretty impressive.
I clicked back to Scan and I got an error message. Hmm... Well I clicked it again and this time it loaded. There is a Registry Cleaner, Evidence Cleaner, Junk File Cleaner, and Duplicate Cleaner. Registry Cleaner cleans your registry. Evidence Cleaner cleans your browser activity and other tracks on your computer. Junk File Cleaner cleans Backup Files, Files with zero size, Temporary Files, and Various log files.
I'm very very impressed with this software's feature list. But this doesn't mean anything if the features don't deliver. So it's time to run the Registry Cleaner.
The Registry Cleaner is finished, and it has found over 3,000 problems. What?? The most any registry cleaner has ever found was 1,500 and I did NOT recommend that software for many reasons. 3,000 problems just doesn't sound right.
I'm hesitant to have Registry HelpMate make 3,000 changes to my Registry. So I decide to just have it repair one. However, Registry HelpMate is limited to fixing 10 Registry Entries. If you want it to fix all, you have to buy the software.
So how do I feel about this software? I'm not sure. As far as the good things, it has a very impressive feature list. As far as the bad, the company seems to do some questionable business practices. I'm also a bit hesitant about this software just because of how many Registry Entries it wanted to fix. Were there any false positives? I would think so, but I can't prove it.
My advice? Give Registry HelpMate a try and see how you feel. For now though I will stick to recommending RegDefense as the Registry Cleaner to use.
Link to Registry HelpMate.
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Registry HelpMate Review
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