I'm deeply honored to be on this list

When something like this happens I'm always blown away by it. It's wonderful to be recognized for my efforts on my blog. And, if you're a blogger you know that you don't maintain your blog for any other reason other than you enjoy it. It's a selfish pleasure.

So, when I heard that my blog was mentioned on this list (http://toponlineuniversityreviews.com/2010/top-50-blogs-for-e-learning-tools-and-tips/) I was deeply honored. Did you ever smile so hard that your cheeks hurt? Well, I can tell you that it happened to me when I read that post. My blog is on the list with some WONDERFUL people and excellent blogs. I'm just blown away.

To all those of you who read my blog and have found something of value in it from time to time, thank you SO very much. This is a true honor.

I'm a very lucky man.

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