Start broadcasting yourself. Like uStream. Less features, but a nice option
TokBox - Free Video Chat and Video Messaging
up to 20 people doing video conference at one time. WOW! Talk about a MAJOR Brady Bunch effect!
nice way to arrange and group resources. Thumbnails of pages. URL shortening, etc.
From today's Classroom 2.0 live session. Kim Ciase's wiki for web conferencing.
25 Free Online Photo/Image Editors – Part 2
Nice list of great photo editing tools. Some are more editing while others are mashup sites, but a very nice list. Downloadable and online. Shared on the educators list
PhotoPeach - Fresh slideshows to go!
Set up interactive slideshows with your photos and their music. Embed the result. Allow (moderated?) comments, too. VERY nice!
Need to compare things such as number users of Facebook vs Myspace, or Google users vs Bing users vs Yahoo users? This is an interesting tool to let you do that. It produces a nice graph to show the results, too.
Nice online scheduling software. VERY easy to use, too. Schedule for a day or for the week or the month. It sends reminder emails, too.
Text 2 Mind Map – The text-to-mind-map converter
A very easy mind mapping tool. Fun, easy, and free.
21st Century - Center for Public Education
Interesting article about "Defining a 21st Century Education" What do you think?
Kassblog - Thinking Critically About Facebook Apps
A must-read article about lessons learned about Facebook. You'll think twice before accepting those Farm invitations.
ASCD member? Then check out some of the chapters of this book on new curriculum ideas. You can read some of it without a member login.
Just so I've got this in my Diigo account, I'm bookmarking this again. A great site to let folks choose dates and times for meetings. Sync your calendars. Even an iphone app. Custom branding available, as well. - Convert and save pdf from any webpage for free
point top a web page and this site will turn the page into a pdf file
Shape Collage - Free Automatic Photo Collage Maker
Use the online version or the download version. Leaves a watermark in free version. "Make picture collages in less than a minute with just a few mouse clicks" Or, use the download app for Windows, Mac, Linux. Requires Java. FUN collages. More for personal work than school work, probably, but worth sharing.
Shape Collage - Free Automatic Photo Collage Maker
"Make picture collages in less than a minute with just a few mouse clicks" A download app for Windows, Mac, Linux. Requires Java. FUN collages. More for personal work than school work, probabloy, but worth sharing.
The 2010 Horizon Report is out. | Bloggings for Teachers and Students
Blogging platform for teachers and students
Now, TED is including videos of speeches that weren't originally on TED, like the "I had a Dream" speech, and "The Last Speech" by Randy Pausch, etc. Nice.
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Resources | Educational Origami
one sheet for each level
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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