Yahoo Messenger Chat Window showing nothing

Recently, I found that my Yahoo Messenger seemed to have a problem. When I start chatting with someone, the window open, but whatever I type in the message box after sending the message does not show in the chat window. I can see when I type. But I can't see anything in the chat window, whether the text I type or the text that the other party types. This is very annoying.

So, in order to read the text, I have to save the conversation using menu Conversation - Save as. This is really troublesome. Then, I tried searching at forum for the solution of this problem. I got the solution on how to make Yahoo Messenger show the messages.

Here's the link to the forum where I got the solution:

And here's the way on how to solve this problem that I learn from the forum. Thanks anitt2006 who has given the solution.
- Start - Run
- Then type "REGEDIT" and press OK.
- Go to Software
- Next to Microsoft Windows
- Then click Current Version
- After that click Internet Settings
- Click Zones
- And then, delete folder other than 0,1,2,3,4.

After deleting the folder, restart your Windows, and start your Yahoo Messenger. This time, it should run normally in the chat window.

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